Why You Need Brand Photos as a Small-Business Owner
Having a strong online presence is critical for the success of any business (no matter what industry you’re in). One of the key components of this online presence is brand photos. Branding photos can help entrepreneurs create a consistent and professional image representing their brand and attracting ideal clients!
Here are some reasons why creative entrepreneurs need to have brand photos and how they can benefit from them:
brand consistency + Recognition
Consistency is absolutely KEY when it comes to building a brand. By having a set of branded photos (or a few different ones to choose from), you can create a consistent image across all your marketing materials and platforms. This consistency can help build brand recognition and make it easier for potential customers to remember your brand!
brand photos create a great first impression + establish credibility
No matter which way you swing it, first impressions are everything. When potential clients visit your website or social media page, they want to see cohesion and professionalism. Brand photos can help you do just that because they show your audience that you take pride in your business’s image and online presence. Think about it, are you more likely to reach out to a business that has zero images of their space online or a business that had quality images of their space, team members proud and center?
branding photos (when done right) add personality to your business
Brand photos can also help small biz owners showcase their personalities to their target audience! When done right, a branding session can bridge the gap between you and your target audience by creating a deeper level of connection. I personally want my clients to know that I am there to party and have fun with them along the way, so I personally incorporated a bottle of champagne in my branding pics. A little professionalism with a little bit of party, if you will.
By featuring photos of yourself or your team members, you can show the human side of your business and create a more personal connection with your audience. At the end of the day, people want to work with people!
Brand photos are essential to any entrepreneur's online presence (especially us creative entrepreneurs out here!). By creating a consistent image and easy-to-recognize brand, making a great first impression, and adding some personality, creative biz owners can use brand photos to deepen their connection with their ideal clients and have a brand they are proud of. So, if you're an entrepreneur looking to take your business to the next level, consider investing in some high-quality brand photos as a tool to help you get there!