The Ultimate Guide To Your About Page

Must-Have Elements on Your Website’s About Page

Contrary to popular belief, Your About Page isn’t just a formality—it’s a huge opportunity to make an amazing first impression with your ideal clients. Did you know that the About Page is the second most visited page on most websites? Even more reason to make sure that your About Page stands out amongst the rest. Keep reading to learn about some of the key elements every creative entrepreneur should have on their About Page.

1. A Catchy Headline

Your headline is the first thing visitors see, so make it count. It should be an attention-getting yet informative, reflecting your brand’s personality, what you offer, your role, and who you serve! If relevant, be sure to include your location in your headline as well - as it can help with SEO!


2. Get Personal But Keep It Short

Sharing your journey or story adds a personal touch, making you relatable and memorable. At the end of the day, people want to work with people so peeling back the curtain on why you started your business and what keeps you going every day could land you right in front of aligned clients. Your About page is also a wonderful place for you to show your face so be sure to include a professional headshot here as well!

3. Client Testimonials

Nothing speaks louder than words of praise from satisfied clients. Testimonials add credibility and trust, showing potential clients that you offer incredible services/products and follow through. If you have multiple client buckets, be sure to include a variety of testimonials that highlight all the different angles of your business. Bonus tip: Include visual examples of your work that pair with the testimonial!

4. Time to Brag on Yourself

If it’s relevant to your industry, your About Page is a great place to showcase any awards, recognitions, or notable mentions you might have received. Think podcast interviews, magazine articles, and “Best Of” Awards. It’s okay to hype yourself up a little bit - it shows credibility and that you are still active in your business. You can even create a fun carousel of logos/bagdes to highlight your awards.

5. Clear Call to Action

So your visitors know you and love you after reading your About Page. You’ve reeled them in with tons of great info and now it’s time to guide them on what to do next. Whether it’s filling out an inquiry form, prompting them to view your portfolio, or signing up for your company newsletter, give your audience a clear way to take that next step. I always recommend putting your most important CTA’s in an easy-to-read button format or attached to an image!

There you have it friend! Your ultimate guide to an engaging About Page that also converts! Your Personality + Social Proof + Examples of Your Work + A Clear Call To Action = The perfect formula for a stellar About Page for creative small biz owners.

Steph Powell

Savannah Georgia Based Wedding Photographer and Creative Website Designer

Earthy Showit Website Revamp for California Wedding Photographer